I am in a funk. There are many reasons (excuses) for my funk..but I don't know how I will snap out of this one.
~My house is still a mess and I have no idea how I am going to get it in order.
~I am still overweight and miserable, and losing exercise motivation.
~I have had two "friendships" dissipate in the year 2008...maybe it's for the better, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
~Little man continues to spit when I tell him "no." I made a small step this morning by telling him he needs to say "I'm Mad." instead of spitting...he proceeded to say "I mad." and then give me a hug..but five minutes later, started spitting again.
~My dating outlook is lookin extremely negative. I haven't been able to put myself out there, even after signing up for a stupid online dating membership. It's so frustrating I just want to scream.
~Some of my friends are going through some pretty dark times, and I feel extremely guilty for being in this funk, because I know life could get worse. I admire them for their strength...they are way better people than I am.
~To expand on the previous blurb..I am a fricken baby and need to learn how to swallow things instead of festering. grr to me!
~I don't want to be so hard on myself, but I know my issues need to be addressed, and being hard on myself is the only way I know how.
5 weeks ago
it's ok to be glum sometimes, and it's ok to be hard on yourself - great personal growth can come from it. Just don't loose sight of the great and good. And remember that no one is perfect, everyone always has things to work on. You have many wonderful qualities and attributes to share with the world. Capitalize on those, while you brush up on the ones you think need some work. That's all any person can do. As far as things being able to be worse - sure, that's always the case. It doesn't mean that you don't have a right to feel the way you do. Have your feelings, try not to dwell on them, try to learn and move forward in a positive way. You are great and wonderful and amazing, and stronger than you give yourself credit for. Shine in your own light, you're bright enough!