Looking back at years past, I have come to the realization that I have never truly committed to a new years resolution. I have been asked what I was going to choose as my resolution, and I would always "say" I was going to stop swearing or some other well-sounding good intention that I had no desire to commit to. This year is going to be a little different.
I actually started thinking where this whole idea of trying to set a goal that most people end up not achieving came from...and found this fine article. I am going to put myself out on a limb, and decide to make 2008 a bit better than 2007 by committing to a solid, hopefully positive, resolution. Instead of making a huge goal to last the entire year I am going to start small and work my way up.
The first thing I am going to publicly admit to is working out every morning that I have to work. This is going to entail getting to bed at a very decent time, waking up early and exercising to a 20 minute tape. Hopefully, it will help me shift my way of life to one that is more healthy and energetic. My goal is to not miss a work day from now until early February. Hopefully by the time I reach my goal I will have made this resolution an awesome habit!
I am also going to commit to being a better mom. I am nervous about what trials and tribulations having a 2yo is going to bring in 08..and after sleeping next to little-man last night I am scared I won't have the patience to handle his toddler brain without having many "mom melt-downs." (we were ringing in the new year at a friends house, and decided to spend the night instead of gambling with drunks on the road)
I will keep myself honest with these resolutions..and most likely will be blogging about my struggles and successes...WISH ME LUCK...I think I'm gonna need it!
I hope y'all have a great 2008 :o)
5 weeks ago
Good Luck, Lady! I'm sure you will do great!