Some days are great, others are not...but no matter what twists and turns I encounter, you can be sure I'm going to write about it!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Third Time is a Charm

So...I still feel like pooh. I left work this morning to go to urgent care to get checked out. Time seemed to stand still while I was waiting for the visit to culminate. I tested negative (for the second time) for strep...but the urgent care doctor thought since I had recent exposure he would treat me for strep and also make me stay home from work for another day. He also did something that I thought was totally out of the blue and prescribed a few vicodin (for my severe throat/head pain that almost had me in tears). I am not one for prescription pain killers, but I am at a point of desperation to make this illness vacate asap. I took one at the noon hour, and slept an extremely peaceful and heavy four hours. Hopefully a few sessions of deep "therapeutic sleep" will do this mama some good. Hopefully, the next time I check in I will be able to report a clean bill of health!

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