Some days are great, others are not...but no matter what twists and turns I encounter, you can be sure I'm going to write about it!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Choose Your Ending!!!

I really cannot decide what to write about today. Instead of rambling like I do SOOO well, I want to poll my two readers to see what will tickle their fancy...
If you could be so kind as to leave a comment with the number you would rather read my rants about, I would be GREATLY appreciative. Spanx!

1) Mom Stuff - Feeling torn between my identity of a Single Mom, and a 25 yo single girl.

2) Toddler Stuff

3) "Grandparent" frustrations

4) None of the above - My sad and pathetic attempt to try and pull something with comedic undertones out of my rather large behind

5) Internet Dating

6) Corporate Life

I think that SHOULD be enough to choose from. OH! If anyone knows how to write text on blogger with a line through it and are willing to divulge this information to me I would be EXTREMELY pleased...especially if they divulge this info to me at the cost of FREE :) Hope you're having a happy hump day!!


  1. Hi Stacy,
    The html tag for a strike thru is (STRIKE)(/STRIKE), only replace the parenthesis with these thingies: < >

    So you put the first one before the text you want crossed out, and the one with the / after it's done.

    Hope that makes sense!

  2. I have just been given a tool I will MOST CERTAINLY OVERUSE! Thanks Kate!!! :)

  3. I vote for #5. Only cause I know from experience it usually is fraught with stories to tell and well, I want someone to sympathize with.

  4. Internet dating seems like it would be interesting!

  5. I second Internet dating.

  6. all of the things you write about make up what makes you, you. so go for it, whatever is on your mind. writing lesson #1: always write what you know. those things will ring most true and resonate with your readers, even if they aren't single moms or corporate workers or whatever.
