I enjoy reading the my friends blogs, so I have decided to create my own in hopes of returning the laughs I have received from others. So in lieu of sounding cheesy, this is the first time I have officially blogged...
On that note...last weekend was quite a doozie! I will start with Friday (if you have a weak stomach this will not be a good read!)
Little-man woke me up at 2am Friday morning throwing-up. I wish I had a better way of writing that, and I won't elaborate too much...but it was nasty. Shortly after I got him into my bed, I went to his room to clean up the mess, and ended up running to the bathroom myself...it was gross! When we woke up on Friday morning, I went to change his diaper only to find out that little-man had developed a HORRIBLE diaper rash that just so happened to be bleeding. I know I am still a new parent, but I have taken care of many children in my past. I will say, this is the first time in my life I have ever seen a bleeding diaper rash. Being the "First time mom who thought she had seen everything" I immediately called the doctor who told me to bring little-man into urgent care. I got the two of us to the doctor first thing. Thirty seconds before the doctor came to see us, little-man had another blow-out in his diaper! Fear raced through me because I knew he had to be changed, and I also knew how horrible it was going to feel for me to change him. When the doctor came in, I informed her of his messy pants and explained the situation (little-man had also informed her of his messy pants because BOY did it STINK!) We tag-teamed little-man to try and get him cleaned up. I started balling...This was the first time since he was three weeks old that I felt overwhelmed with guilt because of him being in pain (the first time I was overwhelmed with guilt was during his first shots). For some reason, I felt like I was failing him as a mother. What mother would let something like this horrible diaper rash happen to their child (yes, my logic was a bit crazy...but that's just me!). I know now that I had nothing to do with this rash, but at the time I felt as if the doctor needed to call child services because I obviously did not know how to take care of my baby...Forty dollars and one tub of "poop goop" later we were clear of the doctor. The rest of the day little-man was super cuddly...he took three separate naps, two of which were with me, which he hasn't done since he was six months old!
Saturday began with breakfast. I was very cautious to feed little-man because he was still having weird diapers, and I didn't want to provoke his tummy if it was still upset; So waffles in the toaster it was! He loved every bite, but shortly after breakfast he became super cuddly again...(in my head I was thinking "Oh Shit, here we go again"). At about 10am little man laid down in the middle of the living room and went to sleep. Again, for those of you that know little man, it was completely out of character for him! We made it through the rest of the day, and by the evening it was time for me to go out (mommy needed a break from the sickness!!) I dressed up as Dog the Bounty Hunters wife Beth. Dog's horrible comments earlier in the week had totally slipped my mind when I borrowed the costume from a co-worker, but it definitely sparked some interesting convo's throughout the night. Most people knew who I was, but some thought I was Anna Nicole Smith...I didn't know if I should be offended or flattered...hahaha
The costume party I went to was so much fun, and everyone there was extremely creative with their costumes...being with good friends and great people was definitely the highlight of my weekend.
Sunday brought a whole new world of pain. I really didn't think I had too much to drink on Saturday night, but on Sunday I woke up hugging the toilet. Either I am getting too old to party, or I got little-mans' bug (I think it's a slight combination of both). All day Sunday I was completely out of it. Little-man was still a bit out-of-sorts, but even in my sickness I could tell he was beginning to get back to normal. On top of everything, it was daylight savings time. Normally I would be happy about "Fall Back"...but on Sunday, I was loathing it. Daylight Savings made the time feel like it had come to a halt, with my aching and exhausted body wishing for the day to end!! By the evening I was so happy to finally put little man to bed (I was in bed soon after)
So, in a nutshell, this past weekend I dealt with my first bloody diaper rash, my first great Halloween party, and now my first blog. Toodles!
5 weeks ago
glad you had fun saturday night...i thought it was a good time! take care & hope everyone's feeling better.
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