Some days are great, others are not...but no matter what twists and turns I encounter, you can be sure I'm going to write about it!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Sight...

Driving home from work yesterday...I witnessed something that brought a single tear of excitement to my eye. It's something the state of MN doubted...but I feel it will be something the state of MN will embrace for many, many years to come.

I'm lucky enough to drive by the erection of a grand ballpark on a daily basis.

Here's what I saw that brings butterflies to my stomach....

The Twins Scoreboard has the team name up and glaring at highway passer-by's.

It's an awesome sight...just awesome!!


  1. Go Twins! Or whatever. :)

    I thought of you today when I made pumpkin pancakes for lunch. They're sooooo good.

  2. ooooooooooooooooooo...I WANT ME SOME PUMPKIN PANCAKES!

    Funny thing, I'm actually having pancakes for dinner tonight (minus the pumpkin because I don't have any on hand...) So yeah, pancakes and eggs it is!!
