So peeps...I've started online dating again. Well, not actually DATING...but actively looking for a date. I can't decide if I'm happy about this or depressed. What I CAN tell you is I'm a total hypocrite.
I was browsing the "available men" today, and came across a profile that caught my eye. Tall, dark and handsome. I looked a little more into his profile, and it stated he has never been married, but had kids. My immediate thought was to click "next"! And then I felt horribly guilty.
I've never been married.
I've got kids.
I've been scorned in the past, and his profile made it sound like he's still got MAJOR trust issues (read: "I am sick of women cheating on me").
I don't plan on contacting this person...too many OTHER red flags went off when I read his profile...I wonder how many red flags my profile sets off with other guys. I'm very careful about NOT proclaiming to the world that I'm a single mom..I really want a guy to get to know me for me, and not run away screaming from text that says "I've never been married and I have kids".
Meh. Hopefully Karma will be kind to me.
5 weeks ago