Okay...So I know vacation recaps can be kind of boring to read....but I'm not going to apologize, because this is about me wanting to preserve my thoughts while they're fresh in my head..thanks.
Day 1:
Awesome flight. Little man even snoozed on the plane!
We found our hotel without any issues, although we needed to kill a couple of hours before our room was ready...so we ventured up the road to Perkins for some lunch, and then to the local Walmart for some snacks. (Not going to lie, the Walmart was old, run down, and was NOT a good first impression...And I totally over bought snacks, I digress).
After we checked in and were settled, we set out on a mini adventure and found the coolest park EVER! It had an awesome play area for little man, and a really cool board walk for some awesome nature sight seeing. Dinner was had at a local eatery called Bahama Breeze, where little man and I split grilled salmon, green beans, and Cinnamon sweet potatoes.
5 weeks ago
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